
SDG 7.2.5  Energy wastage identification

  1. Undergo energy reviews to identify areas where energy waste is the highest
  1. Track energy usage

NTOU is tracking and analyzing the energy usage of the school every month. If any abnormal data appears, we pay attention to that and immediately control energy usage.

  1. Inventory the most power-consuming equipment on campus and develop solutions to reduce energy waste.
  1. Implement measures to control electricity use by high energy-consuming equipment to reduce waste.
  2. Recording the consumption data of various energy sources monthly. By comparing and analyzing those data to the previous one, we can notice which unit does not comply with annual energy conservation measures. The units are going to pay attention to electricity consumption.


  1. Electricity, water and oil consumption in 2023 was show negative growth compared to 2022.

一張含有 文字, 螢幕擷取畫面, 數字, 平行 的圖片

  1. Water, electricity and oil information of NTOU
