
SDG 17.2.4

1. Nihon University visit National Taiwan Ocean University, Promote International Exchange and Cooperation日本大學學術交流

Nihon University visited for academic exchange. On November 17, 2023, a delegation of 11 representatives from the College of Law, College of Industrial Engineering, and Rosetta Inc. visited to discuss the following topics and deepen the academic exchange between the two universities.                                                                                                                                                        

  1. Students from both universities can participate in exchange programs, with each side covering their own tuition fees while studying at the partner institution. Both universities will provide accommodation options, including nearby rentals if on-campus housing is unavailable.
  2. Nihon University will offer a pathway for graduates of National Taiwan Ocean University to apply for master's programs in the College of Law and College of Industrial Engineering.
  3. Faculty from both institutions will enhance international academic collaboration.


  1. 兩校大學生可以前往對方的學校進行交換,臺日學生各自負擔原本學校的學費,然後到對方學校交換。臺日雙方學校會提供住宿資料讓來交換的學生選擇(若沒有學校宿舍則選擇校園附近的租屋資訊)。
  2. 日本大學提供臺灣海洋大學的大學畢業學生入學管道,讓海大學生可以順利申請日本大學(法學部、生產工學部)的碩士班。
  3. 兩校老師強化跨國合作的學術活動。




2. Students from STM were selected by ‘MOE scholarship for excellent students to study abroad’ program for short-term abroad exchange教育部「學海飛颺」補助選送本系學生赴國外進行短期研修

‘Ministry of Education scholarship for excellent students to study abroad’ encourages outstanding students from universities and colleges in Taiwan to exchange to universities in other countries (with the exception of People's Republic of China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region), in order to let potential students fully expand their horizons and take chances to interact worldwide, and aim to cultivate professional talents. Students from National Taiwan Ocean University, Department of Shipping and Transportation Management were also fully engaged in applying this scholarship, with the purpose of exchange to other countries during the period of university.


Evidence: https://r088.ntou.edu.tw/var/file/103/1103/img/1564/457223582.pdf

3. Professors from National Taiwan Ocean University Department of Shipping &Transportation Management collaborate and publish international journals with foreign scholars 航運管理學系老師與國外學者專家共同發表國際期刊

Kuo-Chung Shang, Sheng Teng Huang, Erika Buchari, Taih-Cherng Lirn, & Rhaptyalyani Herno Della* (2023) Integration of safety quality function deployment in ferry services: Empirical study of Indonesia, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Vol. 47. (SSCI, IF. 3/96  in 2021)

Bui, T. D., Tseng, J. W. , Lim, M. K., & Tseng, M. L. (2023). Natural resource management model under governance conflicts in Vietnam: A data-driven analysis. Resources Policy, 85, 103912.

Noorul Shaiful Fitri Abdul Rahman *, Abdelsalam Adam Hamid, Khalid Salim Said AlKalbani, Taih-Cherng Lirn (2023) Logistics Business Sustainability Incorporating National Logistics Strategy and Industry Revolution 4.0, Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM): An International Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 341-351. (ESCI) (DOI: 10.31387/oscm0540394)

國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系林泰誠教授與印尼學者Erika Buchari2023年共同發表’  Integration of safety quality function deployment in ferry services: Empirical study of Indonesia,’Research in Transportation Business & Management, Vol. 47. (SSCI, IF. 3/96  in 2021).

國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系裴必達助理教授與中國大陸學者 Tseng, J. W.、英國學者Lim, M. K.2023年共同發表’Natural resource management model under governance conflicts in Vietnam: A data-driven analysis,’Resources Policy, 85, 103912.

國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系林泰誠教授與阿拉伯學者Noorul Shaiful Fitri Abdul Rahman、芬蘭學者Abdelsalam Adam Hamid、阿曼學者Khalid Salim Said AlKalbani2023年共同發表’   Logistics Business Sustainability Incorporating National Logistics Strategy and Industry Revolution 4.0,’ Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM): An International Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 341-351. (ESCI) (DOI: 10.31387/oscm0540394)








4. MOU signing ceremony簽定合作備忘錄

On November 21, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) and the University of Hawaii (UH) officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a Master's Program Agreement (MOA). NTOU President Tai-Wen Hsu and University of Hawaii System President Prof. David Lassner represented both institutions in signing the agreements. This partnership marks the beginning of a new chapter, offering more international learning opportunities, academic exchanges, and cooperation in various fields for both faculty and students.

Founded in 1907, the University of Hawaii has a long history of 116 years. Its main campus, located in Manoa, hosts 19 colleges, covering areas like architecture, earth sciences, marine sciences, and engineering. In the 2024 QS World University Rankings, it is ranked 386th and has consistently remained in the top 400 since 2012.

This collaboration focuses on shared academic strengths in aquaculture, environmental ecology, fisheries, marine sciences, and hydraulic engineering, with an emphasis on deeper cooperation with the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM). The MOA allows eligible students to apply early for the master's program at UHM's School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology through a 3+2 program, enabling them to earn dual master's degrees, providing richer academic resources and global perspectives.

Prof. David Lassner, along with Ms. Tina Ou from the Ministry of Education's International Division, also visited NTOU’s Marine Engineering Laboratory and Aquatic Animal Research Center to learn more about NTOU's achievements and innovations in marine research.

國立臺灣海洋大學與夏威夷大學(University of Hawaii, UH1121日正式簽署合作備忘錄(MOU)及學碩士學程協議書(MOA),由海大許泰文校長與夏威夷系統大學總校長Prof. David Lassner代表簽約,雙方將攜手展開全面合作的新篇章,為師生提供更多國際化的學習機會,學術交流與交換,共同推動兩校在多項領域的卓越發展。

夏威夷大學創校於1907年,具有116年的悠久歷史,主校區位於馬諾阿,擁有19個學院,涵蓋建築、地球科學、海洋科學、工程等多項領域。並在2024 QS世界大學排行中位列第386名,自2012年以來一直穩定保持在世界前400名。

本次合作基於雙方在水產養殖、環境生態、漁業、海洋科學、河海工程領域的共同學術基礎,焦點即放在與馬諾阿主校區(University of Hawaii at Manoa, UHM)的深入合作,將進一步推動雙方的國際交流與學術研究,於學碩士學程協議書(MOA)中更是寫明符合資格的學生可以3+2計畫的方式提前申請就讀該校海洋與地球科學技術學院碩士學程,畢業後將可獲得雙碩士學位,為學生提供更豐富的學術資源和國際視野。

夏威夷大學校長Prof. David Lassner及教育部國際司秘書歐季曦女士(Ms. Tina Ou)並參訪海大海洋工程實驗館與水生動物實驗中心,深入了解海大在海洋研究方面的成就和創新。

Evidence: https://mprp.ntou.edu.tw/p/406-1017-93610,r1031.php?Lang=zh-tw

5. MOU signing ceremony簽署合作備忘錄

  On October 25, a 10-member delegation from Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), led by Dean Prof. SANTI MAENSIRI, visited National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU). The visit facilitated exchanges in life sciences and optoelectronic materials engineering, and an MOU was signed to promote collaboration, offering more opportunities for students and researchers.

SUT, one of Thailand's top research universities, ranks 6th nationally and in the top 3 for science and technology in the 2024 Times Higher Education World Rankings. Initial collaboration with NTOU in life sciences has expanded, providing more opportunities in aquaculture and biology.

NTOU Vice President Cheng-Yu Ku emphasized that the MOU marks a commitment to international cooperation, aiming to offer students more learning and research opportunities. The SUT delegation also toured NTOU’s marine engineering and research facilities, further exploring collaborative opportunities.

泰國素羅娜麗科技大學(Suranaree University of Technology, SUT)科學學院院長Prof. SANTI MAENSIRI一行10人於1025日訪問國立臺灣海洋大學,進行生命科學和光電材料工程領域兩組教授之間的深入交流與討論,實際促成知識、經驗和資源的共享,並簽署合作備忘錄(MOU)。未來將在教育、學術和研究領域方面的積極交流下,為兩校的研究者和學生提供更多的學習機會和資源。




Evidence: https://mprp.ntou.edu.tw/p/406-1017-92788,r1031.php?Lang=zh-tw

6. MOU signing Ceremony簽署合作備忘錄

NTOU News – On September 7, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) and Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) in the Philippines officially signed an MOU. The partnership aims to enhance collaboration in education, research, and academic exchanges, particularly in the marine environment field. Through student exchanges and joint research, both universities hope to boost academic development. MSU-IIT, located in Iligan City, is ranked among the top 500 universities in Asia by QS in 2019.

The MOU was signed by NTOU Vice President Cheng-Yu Ku and MSU-IIT President Prof. Alizedney M. Ditucalan, witnessed by NTOU International Affairs Dean Prof. Yu-Wei Chang. Long-term collaborators from both institutions, including Prof. Hernando P. Bacosa and Asst. Prof. Ruey-Feng Hsu, will continue joint research on marine plastic debris and microbiology.

This MOU establishes a strong foundation for future teaching, research, and talent development between NTOU and MSU-IIT, paving the way for a promising partnership.

國立臺灣海洋大學與菲律賓Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of TechnologyMSU-IIT97日正式簽署合作備忘錄(MOU),雙方將共同致力於推進教育、研究以及學術交流,並開展如海洋環境各項領域的合作計劃,期待透過學生的跨國交換、跨領域共同指導,為雙方學術發展注入新的活力。MSU-IIT位於菲律賓伊利根市(Iligan City)2019入選QS亞洲前500所大學。MSU-IIT提供從中學、大學部到研究所的多樣化課程,以英語為主要授課語言,並提供部分以菲律賓語和其他語言授課的課程。目前,MSU-IIT擁有7個由菲律賓高等教育委員會指定的卓越中心,以及11個菲律賓高等教育委員會(CHED)認定的發展中心。

本次合作備忘錄的簽署由海大顧承宇副校長與菲方代表MSU-IIT校長Professor Alizedney M. Ditucalan共同簽署。由海大國際長張祐維教授、國際合作組邱品文組長共同見證。其中,參與本次來訪的MSU-IIT環境與生態學者Hernando P. Bacosa,與海大海洋環境與生態研究所許瑞峯助理教授已有長期合作,未來也將與海洋生物研究所何攖寧助理教授在海洋塑膠微粒、海洋廢棄物附著微生物上進行合作研究。雙邊學者未來也將持續以先進的研究設備與成果,推升海洋環境與生態。


Evidence: https://mprp.ntou.edu.tw/p/406-1017-91049,r1031.php?Lang=zh-tw

7. 2023/The 32nd ETA-ROC International Symposium on English Language Teaching & Learning32屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會

Innovation, diversity, and sustainability are the themes of this year’s conference, hosted by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) and the Institute of Applied English, and co-organized by the English Teachers Association of the Republic of China. CHSS is the sixth college with a maritime focus, established at National Taiwan Ocean University. It is dedicated to advancing research and teaching in the humanities and social sciences, fostering marine humanistic qualities, drawing inspiration from the ocean, emphasizing the humanities, and maintaining a global outlook.

The purpose of this conference is to enhance English teaching and research domestically, while facilitating cultural and academic exchanges with English-speaking countries (such as the United States) and neighboring countries (such as Japan). The goal is to advance English teaching research and practice in Taiwan, promote internationalization, and strengthen localization.






8. Top Scientists -Animal Science and Veterinary Tin-Yam Chan Research.com 2023 年全球頂尖動物科學家海大教授陳天任獲全臺第1

Research.com In 2023, the world's top animal scientist, Professor Chan Tin-Yam won the first animal scientist in Taiwan.

Zoology, Decapoda, Ecology, Monophyly and Crustacean are his primary areas of study. His Zoology research incorporates themes from Sister group, Phylogenetics and Phylogenetic tree. His Decapoda study results in a more complete grasp of Fishery.

His Ecology study combines topics from a wide range of disciplines, such as Pleistocene, Glacial period, Species complex and East Asia. He has included themes like Paraphyly and Systematics in his Monophyly study. His Crustacean research is multidisciplinary, incorporating perspectives in Adaptation and Parallel evolution.Research.com








9. Nuytsia - The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium西澳植物標本館雜誌

This research provides a molecular analysis that identifies the seaweed species Gracilaria transtasmanica, which inhabits various estuarine environments across New Zealand and Australia. The investigation details the distribution of Gracilaria transtasmanica in specific locales, including the Swan Estuary and other regions within Western Australia, and describes its typical growth patterns in sandy or muddy substrates. The findings demonstrate that G. transtasmanica is widespread and not currently considered threatened, with historical records validating its persistent presence in these habitats. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of marine biodiversity and elucidate the ecological role of this seaweed species within estuarine ecosystems. In summary, this research underscores the importance of integrating molecular techniques with morphological observations for the accurate identification of cryptic species, and highlights their implications for conservation and management strategies in marine biodiversity.

本研究通過分子親緣關係分析釐清 Gracilaria transtasmanica的藻種資訊,分析結果亦顯示其分佈於紐西蘭和澳大利亞的多個河口環境中。 Gracilaria transtasmanica 典型的生長環境為沙質或泥質的底質上,藻種分佈地點包括 Swan Estuary 以及西澳大利亞的其他地區。 G. transtasmanica 為廣泛分佈的藻種,在多數的棲地環境中生長狀況良好。依據歷年的研究記錄顯示該藻種在很長一段時間內一直都可在當地的生態系統中發現,且沒有面臨生存威脅。這些發現有助於加深對海洋生物多樣性的理解,並闡明了該藻種在河口生態系統中的生態角色。




10. Botanica Marina真菌雜誌

This article revises the documented diversity of known marine fungi from nine phyla, 33 classes, 107 orders, 273 families, 767 genera and 1898 species reported worldwide. A member of the Aphelidiomycota, Pseudaphelidium drebesii, is reported for the first time from the marine environment, on a diatom. Likewise, the phylum Mortierellomycota is listed following taxonomic changes, as are six subclasses: Chaetothyriomycetidae, Savoryellomycetidae, Sclerococcomycetidae,

Agaricostilbomycetidae, Auriculariomycetidae and Aphelidiomycotina.

Thirty-three orders and 105 family names with marine species are added to the checklist, along with 641 species in 228 genera, bringing the total to 1898. New additions of species added to the list ofmarine fungi are highlighted. Four new combinations are proposed: Stigmatodiscus mangrovei, Diaporthe krabiensis and Diaporthe xylocarpi, while the hyphomycete Humicola alopallonella is referred to the genus Halosphaeriopsis, as Halosphaeriopsis alopallonella.

本文記錄已知海洋真菌多樣性共9門、33綱、107目、273科、767 屬和 1898 種。Pseudaphilidium drebesii 屬於傘菌門 (Aphilidiomycota) 的成員,首次從海洋環境在矽藻上記錄。有33個真菌目、105個科、228個屬和228 個物種被加入到清單中。本文提出了四個新的分類組合:Stigmatodiscus mangroveiDiaporthe krabiensis Diaporthe xylocarpi,而 Humicola alopallonella 被移到Halosphaeriopsis屬,如 Halosphaeriopsis alopallonella




11. Aquaculture水產養殖期刊

Members of Penaeus s.l. are the most economically important shrimps, but there has been substantial confusion on their classification over the last few decades. In this study, we reconstructed a robust molecular phylogeny for these shrimps based on the most extensive dataset to date in terms of the number of molecular markers (four nuclear and three mitochondrial) and taxon coverage (31 of 32 known species in Penaeus s.l.). Two of the six genera proposed for Penaeus s.l. were revealed to be paraphyletic. Moreover, none of the morphological characters generally used for separating the species groups are synapomorphic or evolutionarily informative. As synapomorphic characters have yet to be discovered for all the main clades within Penaeus s.l., it is appropriate to retain these shrimps in a single genus to reflect their evolutionary relationships in terms of integrated taxonomy. A single genus classification scheme is also the least disruptive to the taxonomic names of these very important commercial shrimps.

對蝦屬 (Penaeus s.l.) 蝦類在全世界是重要的水產品之一,如草蝦、斑節蝦及白蝦等皆為此屬種類。由於對蝦屬的命名問題一直以來頗有爭議且紛擾不斷,本研究進一步利用高物種覆蓋率及高基因數,根據以往研究成果,詳加釐清對蝦屬的親緣關係。結果顯示整個對蝦屬可分出三大支序 (clades),然而支序群集的屬別形態特徵卻與1997年美國學者細分出的6個亞屬並無一致。故本研究建議在分類命名中仍維持對蝦屬單一屬名,對市場經濟性的影響力較小。




12. Go abroad for short-term study credits「學海飛颺」:赴國外短期研修學分

In order to coordinate with national education policy and promote international cooperation, in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Research and Development and the Office of International Affairs, we will jointly promote students to go abroad for short-term study and exchange in accordance with the ‘‘Ocean of Study Series Program’’ issued by the Ministry of Education, According to the ‘‘Key Points of Sending Students Selected by National Taiwan Ocean University to Study Abroad’’, we will send our high-quality students for short-term study abroad, professional internship or exchange students to sister universities.

Head and shoulders and learning for the Ministry of Education university in one of the series under the plan, with generally good short-term training, students studying abroad study period shall not be less than 1 semester (season), the highest in a year for the principle, to the Ministry of Education approval, any government school authority institutes or its group accepted the education of professional assessment of foreign excellent colleges of short-term study of credits.

為配合國家教育政策並促進國際合作,結合教務處、研究發展處及國際事務處共同推動學生赴國外短期研修及交換學習,依教育部頒布之「學海系列計畫」規定, 並依「國立臺灣海洋大學選送學生赴國外研修要點」薦送本校優質學生赴國外進行短期研修、專業實習或赴姊妹校交換學生。

「學海飛颺」則為教育部學海系列計畫底下之一 ,提供一般優秀學生赴國外短期研修,研習期間不得低於 1 學期(),最高以 1 年為原則,赴教育部認可、當地國政府學校權責機關或其認定之教育專業評鑑團體所認可之國外優良校院短期研讀學分。

Evidence: https://r088.ntou.edu.tw/var/file/103/1103/img/1564/106666346.pdf

13. Advancing Academic Collaboration: Recruitment, Partnership, and Promotion Initiatives in India.赴印度國內各大學院校招生並推動姊妹校合作及進行學術交流與宣傳推廣海洋大學、並發表客座演講吸引印度優秀研究人員、深化台印雙方學術研究交流

Distinguished Professor Jiang-Shiou Hwang of the Institute of Marine Biology at National Taiwan Ocean University undertook a short-term research visit to Coimbatore, India, from July 24 to October 23, 2023. During his stay, Professor Hwang delivered recruitment presentations at 18 universities across India, actively promoting the university’s international graduate programs and scholarship opportunities. He also facilitated sister school collaborations and engaged in academic exchanges. His guest lectures successfully attracted top Indian researchers, further enhancing academic collaboration between Taiwan and India.This visit also served as an opportunity for Distinguished Professor Hwang to promote National Taiwan Ocean University, with the aim of encouraging more departments to attract international students and advance the university's internationalization efforts. He emphasized the importance of widely publicizing the university’s internationalization achievements to improve its rankings in both domestic and global evaluations. Given that India is an English-speaking country where university courses are conducted entirely in English, Professor Hwang noted that these students could significantly contribute to the research output of NTOU. He urged collective efforts to elevate the universitys research endeavors to new heights.




14. The 3rd Joint Symposium on Advanced Mechanical Science & Technology  at National Taiwan Ocean University第三屆先進機械科學與技術聯合研討會

In 2015, the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, NTOU, together with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Osaka Prefecture University in Japan and Fuzhou University in China, formed a three-nation, three-university alliance. This alliance hosts the ‘‘Joint Symposium on Advanced Mechanical Science & Technology’’ every two years, providing a platform for faculty and student exchange. This year’s symposium, hosted by National Taiwan Ocean University, featured a rich program, including three keynote speeches, twelve academic research presentations, and thirty-six student poster competitions.The conference delved into the application of new materials in mechanical engineering, focusing on cost reduction and environmental impact mitigation. Additionally, the event highlighted the use of renewable energy, energy conversion, and energy-saving technologies, aiming to promote sustainable development.

This cross-university exchange not only strengthened collaboration and visits between faculty and students but also effectively promoted faculty research achievements. It provided students with opportunities to enhance their professional knowledge and English communication skills, contributing positively to the university’s international reputation and the research capacity of its faculty.


Evidence: https://3rd-jsamst.webnode.tw/

14. Professors from National Taiwan Ocean University Department of Transportation Sciencet collaborate and publish international journals with foreign scholars運輸科學系老師與國外學者專家共同發表國際期刊

Ming-Miin Yu, Ipsita Rakshit(India), 2023. An alternative assessment approach to global logistics performance evaluation. International Transactions in Operational Research (published online: July 2023) (SSCI). The paper focuses on proposing a novel method for evaluating global logistics performance. Traditional assessment methods may lack flexibility or fail to capture the full efficiency and effectiveness of logistics operations. This research introduces alternative metrics and models to provide a more adaptable and precise evaluation framework. The approach aims to better measure the operational efficiency of logistics systems worldwide, supporting policymakers and companies in enhancing global logistics efficiency and competitiveness.

Sustainable Impact: fostering international collaboration and innovation in logistics performance assessment. The alternative approach enhances global knowledge-sharing and supports countries in improving logistics efficiency. This collaborative effort contributes to sustainable global trade and development.



Evidence: https://tsweb.ntou.edu.tw/p/412-1072-6967.php?Lang=zh-tw