3.3.4 Sexual and reproductive health care services for students Year 2023
1. Promoting gender mainstreaming 推動性別主流化 學務處 生活輔導組 鄭蓉 1044
Gender mainstreaming can be implemented with the aid of six primary promotion tools. Considering Gender Awareness Training as the main factor of promoting gender mainstreaming, we particularly focus on this part. The specific results are as follows:
(1) 11 gender awareness trainings (including 2 trainings for administration supervisors)
a. topic: CEDAW and gender mainstreaming, gender diversity, same-sex marriage, menstrual equity, and prevention of gender-related incidents
b. organizer: Alliance for Women's Rights &Sustainable Development, Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBTQ+) Hotline Association, Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy, With Red (Period Museum), and Modern Women’s Foundation
(2) Light-House Program: Gender Training
a. Participant: 5 students
b. Topic: Sharing gender-related experiences, discussing gender-related issues, visiting gender-friendly toilets at National Taiwan University and “Design Our World: Gendered Innovations” at National Taiwan Science Education Center.
(1) 辦理11場次性別培力講座
a. 對象:校內一級主管:2場次;全校人員:9場次。
b. 主題:性別主流化與CEDAW、認識多元性別(含跨性別者經驗分享)、同志家庭、月經平權和Only yes means yes校園性別事件防治。
c. 合作單位:婦女權益與永續發展聯盟、台灣同志諮詢熱線協會、台灣同志家庭權益促進會、社團法人全球小紅帽協會(小紅厝月經博物館)和現代婦女基金會。
(2) 辦理燈塔計畫:性別閱讀與紀錄培訓
a. 培訓人員:5名學生。
b. 內容:分享及製作「我的性別宣言」、討論性別議題、參訪國立臺灣大學校園性別友善空間,以及參觀國立臺灣科學教育館「設計我們的世界-科技化性別創新」。
Sustainable Impact: There were over 300 participants, particularly 75 administration supervisors attended the trainings. By deepening gender awareness of all school staffs and students, gender-friendly policies are more likely to formulated to promote gender equity in the campus.
永續影響力: 講座參加人數累計達316人次,特別是校內一級主管參加人數共計75人次,藉由深化全校師生之性別意識,訂定性別友善之政策,以打造性別平等之學習環境。
Figure: Gender Empowerment Seminar for all school staffs and students (Understanding Diverse Genders) (Left) and Lighthouse Project Participants Visiting Gender-Friendly Restrooms at NTOU (Right).
Children's camp activities (left) and HIV screening activities (right).
圖: 全校師生性別培力講座(認識多元性別)(左圖)與燈塔計畫學員參訪國立臺灣大學校園性別友善廁所(右圖)