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SDG 3.3.7

1. Health Promotion Activities 健康促進活動

Every Thursday, by providing facilities and environments such as the gym (fitness room, swimming pool, badminton court, table tennis, indoor track), we encourage faculty and staff to develop regular exercise habits. Approximately 450 participants take part. The significance lies in enhancing the physical and mental health of faculty and staff, thereby improving teaching quality and work efficiency. The goal is to elevate the overall health level of faculty and staff, thus promoting a more efficient and pleasant work environment.

Sustainable Impact: The health promotion activities foster sustainable well-being by encouraging regular exercise, benefiting the physical and mental health of faculty and staff. Improved health contributes to higher teaching quality and work efficiency, reinforcing a positive work environment. These efforts align with a long-term commitment to healthier lifestyles within the institution.


永續影響力: 健康促進活動透過鼓勵規律運動,增進教職員工的身心健康,達成持久的福祉。健康的提升有助於提高教學質量和工作效率,並促進更愉快的工作環境。此活動展現出機構對於健康生活方式的長期承諾。



2. Occupational health service職業醫師到校服務

In order to prevent the employees of the National Taiwan Ocean University from being illegally violated by employers, supervisors, colleagues, service objects or other third parties when performing their duties in the workplace, causing physical or mental harm, the National Taiwan Ocean University will properly prevent and deal with workplace violence. of physical and mental health. Refer to the Ministry of Labor's announcement of the Unlawful Infringement Prevention Guidelines to formulate a management plan for the prevention of unlawful infringement in the execution of duties.

Sustainable Impact: Promoting the physical and mental health of faculty and staff and ensuring a safe campus environment.


永續影響力: 促進教職員工身心健康和安全的校園環境





3. Cooperated Childcare Centers of NTOU 本校特約托育機構

To improve the work-life balance of our faculty and staff, and to provide a secure working environment, our school signed letters of intent for partnership with seven kindergartens in 2023. Faculty members can entrust their children to these institutions with peace of mind and, depending on the specific terms of the partnerships, may enjoy benefits such as registration fee reductions, free school supplies, and priority admission. According to statistics, by the end of 2023, two faculty members' children have been admitted to the Affiliated Non-Profit Kindergarten of National Museum of Marine Science and Technology through our school's affiliated childcare channel.The following is a list of kindergartens that have signed letters of intent for partnership with our school:1. Affiliated Non-Profit Kindergarten of National Museum of Marine Science and Technology2. Workplace Mutual Assistance Childcare Center of Fisheries Research Institute, MOA3. Hess International Educational Group4. Sunny Garden Private Kindergarten5. Keelung Haida Kindergarten6. Henry Private Kindergarten7. Ruoshi Private Kindergarten,  affiliated with Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Taipei

Sustainable Impact: Supporting all staff in achieving work-life balance.

為增進教職員之家庭及職場生活平衡,並提供同仁安心就業之環境,本校於2023年時已與7家幼兒園簽立特約合作意願書,教職員除可放心將子女交由相關單位托育外,並可視特約合作內容享有註冊費減免、部分學用品免費、優先入園等優惠措施。經統計,截至112年底為止,計有 2 位教職員工子女經由本校所提供之特約托育管道,入學國立海洋科技博物館非營利幼兒園。以下為與本校簽立特約合作意願書之幼兒園名單:一、國立海洋科技博物館非營利幼兒園 二、行政院農業委員會水產試驗所職場互助教保服務中心 三、何嘉仁國際文教團隊 四、私立小太陽幼兒園 五、基隆市私立海大幼兒園 六、私立亨利幼兒園 七、財團法人天主教會台北教區附設基隆市私立若石幼兒園

永續影響力: 支持教職員工的工作與生活平衡

一張含有 戶外, 樹狀, 雲, 天空 的圖片




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