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SDG 7.4.2

Promotion of 100% Renewable Energy Beyond Campus


National Taiwan Ocean University is actively engaged in the development and application of renewable energy. The university has built the first wind turbine in Keelung, which is used to understand the power generation from the northeast monsoon and to monitor environmental factors such as humidity and temperature. From 2022 to 2024, the university saved a total of 80,166 kWh of electricity. Additionally, the university has established a marine energy test site and built a marine database to assist the government in promoting energy transformation and increasing energy reserves. A wave power demonstration unit has also been set up at Badouzih Fishing Harbor, marking Taiwan’s first integration of wave energy into the Taiwan Power Company's grid, showcasing the viability of wave energy technology. To further reduce its carbon footprint and dependence on conventional energy, the university has installed solar photovoltaic systems, with a total generation capacity of 266.64 kW, successfully completed the grid connection with Taiwan Power Company.

Sustainable Impact: The university's wind turbine and wave energy projects contribute to renewable energy generation, reducing dependence on traditional energy sources. By saving 80,166 kWh of electricity and integrating solar power systems, it promotes sustainable energy solutions. These efforts support the global transition to cleaner energy and enhance energy security.

國立臺灣海洋大學積極投入再生能源的發展與應用,並在基隆建置了第一座風機,這座風機專門用於瞭解東北季風的發電量,並可觀測周邊環境的濕度與溫度等氣象資料。根據統計,從111113年度,本校共節省電量達80,166 kWh。此外,本校還設立了海洋能測試場並建置海洋資料庫,協助政府推動能源轉型,並增加能源儲備。八斗子漁港的波力發電示範機組也已完成設置,這是台灣首次將波浪能發電實際接入台灣電力公司電網,展示了波浪能技術的可行性。為了進一步減少碳足跡並減少對傳統能源的依賴,本校還設置了太陽光電發電設備,並與台電完成併聯,總發電容量達266.64Kw

永續影響力: 本校的風機及波浪能專案有助於再生能源的發展,減少對傳統能源的依賴。透過節省80,166 kWh電量及設置太陽光電設備,推動永續能源解決方案。支持本校向清潔能源轉型並提升能源安全.

一張含有 戶外, 風車, 天空, 發電機 的圖片


  • 本校建置基隆第一座風機,用來瞭解東北季風發電量,並觀測濕度、溫度等。本校 111 113年度共節省電量 80,166 kWh

一張含有 文字, 螢幕擷取畫面, 地圖 的圖片


  • 本校設置海洋能測試場,建置海洋資料庫,協助政府推動能源轉型及增加能源儲備。

一張含有 地圖, 水, 空中攝影, 空中 的圖片


  • 八斗子漁港波力發電示範機組建置。臺灣第一次波浪能發電實際接入台灣電力公司電網發電的再生能源技術。

一張含有 文字, 螢幕擷取畫面, 地圖 的圖片


  • 設置太陽光電發電設備,減少碳足跡,以及對傳統能源的依賴。發電容量266.64Kw,與台電完成併聯。

Evidence : https://reurl.cc/MjrVvX

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